Preface. About the Authors. PART I: THE SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. 1. C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination. 2. Allan G.
Johnson, The Forest and the Trees. 3. Patricia Hill Collins, Learning from the Outsider Within. 4. Arloc Sherman and Jodi Sandfort, Fighting Child Poverty in America: How Research Can Help. PART II: DOING SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 5. Max Weber, Science as a Vocation.
6. Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research. 7. Elaine Bell Kaplan, Our Kind of Girl. PART III: CULTURE. 8. Kamy Cunningham, Barbie Doll Culture and the American Waistland. 9.
Vicki Apt and Mel Seescholtz, The Shameless World or Phil, Sally and Oprah. 10. Scott Coltrane, Family Rituals and the Construction of Reality. 11. Lisa Crihfield Dalby, Geisha. PART IV: SOCIALIZATION. 12. George Herbert Mead, The Self.
13. Amy J. Schulz, Navajo Women and the Politics of Identity. 14. Suzanne Carothers, Catching Sense: Learning from Our Mothers to be Black and Female. 15. Becky Beal, Alternative Masculinity and Skateboarding. PART V: SOCIETY AND SOCIAL INTERACTION.
16. Georg Simmel, The Problem of Sociology. 17. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. 18. Eli Anderson, Code of the Streets. 19. Sherry Turkle, Identity in the Age of the Internet.
PART VI: GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS. 20. Charles Horton Cooley, Primary Groups. 21. Max Weber, On Bureaucracy. 22. George Ritzer, Enchanting a Disenchanted World. 23.
Dianne Vaughan, The Challenger Launch Decision. PART VII: SEXUALITY AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS. 24. Pepper Schwartz and Virginia Rutter, The Gender of Sexuality. 25. Michael S. Kimmel, Masculinity as Homophobia. 26.
Lillian B. Rubin, The Approach-Avoidance Dance: Men, Women, and Intimacy. 27. Susan Bordo, Pills and Power Tools. PART VIII: DEVIANCE. 28. Emile Durkheim The Functions of Crime. 29.
Peter Conrad and Joseph Schneider, The Medicalization of Deviance. 30. Harlan Lane, Construction of Deafness. 31. Heather Montgomery, Children, Prostitution, and Identity. 32. Jeffrey Reiman, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. PART IX.
CLASS STRATIFICATION. 33. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. 34. Thomas Shapiro, Great Divides. 35. Dalton M. Conley, Being Black, Living in the Red.
36. Valerie Polakow, The Shredded Net: The End of Welfare as We Knew It. PART X: GLOBAL STRATIFICATION. 37. Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Nora Hamilton, and Paul Ong, Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim. 38. William Julius Wilson, The American Belief System Concerning Poverty and Welfare. 39.
Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree. 40. Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Nanny Chain. PART XI: RACE AND ETHNICITY. 41. W. E.
B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk. 42. Elizabeth Martinez, Beyond Black/White. 43. Michael Omi and Howard Winant, Racial Formation in the United States. 44. Alejandro Portes and Ruben Rumbaut, Immigrant America.
45. Abby Ferber, What White Supremacists Taught a Jewish Scholar about Identity. PART XII: GENDER. 46. Margaret L. Andersen, Thinking About Women. 47. Michael A.
Messner, The Politics of Masculinities. 48. Farzaneh Milani, Lipstick Politics in Iran. 49. Yen le Espiritu, Asian American Men and Women. PART XIII: AGING. 50. Eleanor Palo Stoller and Rose Campbell Gibson, Cultural Images of Old Age.
51. Kate Slevin and Ray Wingrove, From Stepping Stones to Building Blocks. 52. Jill Quadagno, Social Security and the Myth of the Entitlement, Crisis. PART XIV: FAMILIES. 53. Judith Stacey, In the Name of the Family. 54.
Terry Arendell, Divorce and Remarriage. 55. Demi Kurz, Doing Parenting: Mothers, Care Work and Policy. 56. Uma Narayan, Mail Order'' Brides: Immigrant Women, Domestic Violence and Immigration Law. PART XV: EDUCATION. 57. Patricia Adler and Peter Adler, Peer Cultures.
58. Jean Anyon, Ghetto Schooling. 59. Howard Taylor, Intelligence. 60. Peggy Orenstein, School Girls. PART XVI: RELIGION. 61.
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. 62. Robert Wuthnow, Growing Up Religious. 63. Min Zhou, "Growing Up American: The Complexity of Ethnic Involvement. 64. Marybeth Ayella, Insane Therapy. PART XVII: WORK AND THE ECONOMY.
65. Carmen Macdonald and Carmen Sirianni, The Service Society and the Changing Experience of Work. 66. Harriet Presser, Toward a 24 Hour Economy. 67. John Van Maanen, The Smile Factory: Work at Disney. 68. M.
Patricia Fernandez Kelly, Delicate Transactions: Gender, Home and Employment among Hispanic Women. PART XVIII: Power and Politics. 69. C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite. 70. Richard Zweigenhaft and William Domhoff, Diversity in the Power Elite. 71.
G. William Domhoff, Who Rules America: Power and Politics in the Year 2000. 72. Matt Snipp, The First Americans: American Indians. PART XIX: HEALTH CARE. 73. Allen Smith and Sherryl Kleinman, Medical Students Concern with the Living and the Dead. 74.
Anne Fadiman, Do Doctors Eat Brains?. 75. John B. McKinlay and John D. Stoeckle, Corporatization and the Social Transformation of Doctoring. PART XX: POPULATION, URBANISM, AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 76. Louis Wirth, Urbanism as a Way of Life.
77. Douglass Massey and Nancy Denton, American Apartheid.78. Regina Austin and Michael Schill, "Black, Brown, Red and Poisoned. PART XXI: COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR/SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. 79. Verta Taylor and Nancy Whittier, The New Feminist Movement. 80.
Riley Dunlap and Angela Mertig, American Environmentalism. 81. John D''Emilio, Sexual Politics/Sexual Communities: The Making of a New Sexual Minority. 82. Aldon Morris, The Genius of the Civil Rights Movement: Can It Happen Again?. XXII. SOCIAL CHANGE. 83.
Ferdinand Tnnies, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. 84. Erla Zwingle, Goods Move, People Move, Ideas Move, and Cultures Change. 85. Alan Hedley, Technological Diffusion or Cultural Imperialism? Measuring the Information Revolution. 86. Jeremy Rifkin, The Biotech Century. Glossary.
Name/Subject Index.