Preface. About the Author. I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Studying Women: Feminist Perspectives. Why Study Women? The Sociological Imagination. Defining Feminism.
Women's Studies and the Inclusion of Women. The Significance of Gender, Race, and Class. The Growth of Men's Studies. A Sociological Framework for Thinking about Women. Chapter Summary and Themes. Key Terms. Discussion Questions/Projects for Thought. Internet Resources.
Suggested Readings. II. GENDER, CULTURE, AND SEX. 2. The Social Construction of Gender. The Biological Basis of Sex Differences. Ambiguous Sex Identities. Nature/Nurture and Sexually Dimorphic Traits.
Biological Determinism. The Difference Culture Makes. The Institutional Basis of Gender. Socialization and the Formation the Gender Identity. Race and Gender Identity. Lesbian and Gay Identity. Socialization across the Life Course. Infancy.
Childhood. Schools. Adulthood and the Aging Process. Theoretical Perspectives on the Formation of Gender Identity. Identification Theory. Social Learning Theory. Cognitive Development Theory. Symbolic Interaction and "Doing Gender".
Comparing Theoretical Perspectives. Limitations of the Socialization Perspective. Chapter Summary and Themes. Key Terms. Discussion Questions/Projects for Thought. Internet Resources. Suggested Readings. 3.
Gender, Culture and the Media: The Social Construction of Knowledge. Gender, Language and Popular Culture. Gender and the Media. The Reflection Hypothesis. Role-Learning Theory. Organizational Theories of Gender Inequality. Capitalism and the Media. Postmodernist Feminist Theory.
The Sociology of Knowledge. Marx and the Social Construction of Knowledge. Sexism as Ideology. Chapter Summary and Themes. Key Terms. Discussion Questions/Projects for Thought. Internet Resources. Suggested Readings.
4. Sexuality and Intimate Relationships. The Social Construction of Sexuality. The History of Sexuality in the United States. Contemporary Sexual Attitudes and Behavior. Race, Sexuality, and Power. Sexual Development over the Life Cycle. Menstruation.
Menopause. Love and Intimate Relationships. Interracial Relationships. Friendship. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences. Chapter Summary and Themes. Key Terms. Discussion Questions/Projects for Thought.