Rodolfo Ambriz, PMP, is a Microsoft® Project expert and runs Latin American operations for International Institute for Learning (IIL), a global leader that provides project, program, and portfolio management, Microsoft Office Project and Project Server, Six Sigma, and Business Analysis training and consulting solutions to businesses. He heads the IIL team that is currently creating the 2007 Microsoft Official Courses for Project and Project Server. Ambriz has provided services to a wide range of clients, including Banamex/Citigroup, PEMEX, Hewlett Packard, TELMEX, and IBM/Tecnosys. He consults in the areas of business analysis and Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management, and has created customized courses in Spanish for clients in Mexico, Latin America and Spain. Ambriz is also a tenured professor in the engineering department of La Salle University, in Mexico City; serves on Project Management Institute's (PMI) Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.) Advisory Group; was a former president of PMI's Mexico chapter; and speaks regularly at local and international PMI events.
Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Office Project 2007 : The Book by and for Professionals