The Harvey- and Eisner-nominated anthology of action, thrills, chills and trangression is back with a third volume! Anything goes in Hotwire , eschewing literary high-mindedness for a pure, gut-wrenching viscerality that you can tune in and rest your brain on after a long day. Hotwire the third leaps off the page from the get-go with David Sandlin's 'œInfernal Combustion,' about boozing it up in a broke-down caddy, and Tim Lane's bit of freight-hopping grit, 'œSpike.' Underground comics legend Mary Fleener returns with 'œThe Judge,' a true tale about her own life fending off thugs'¦ with a .38! Meanwhile, Hotwire Captain Glenn Head spins the biography of German surrealist Hans Bellmer as a down and out Vaudevillian in decadent Weimar Berlin. Other creepy delights: Rick Altergott delivers a fable of a child-molesting clown pleasuring himself in the suburbs, while Matti Hagel¬berg's 'œPassion of Atte' is a modern-day Dante's Inferno of comics. There's also more knockout work and crazy visuals by Mark Dean Veca, Johnny ( Angry Youth Comix ) Ryan, Mats?!, Max Andersson, Sam Henderson, Steve Cerio, Stephane Blanquet, Doug Allen, Carol Swain, Craig Yoe, J. Bradley Johnson, Michael ( Tales Designed to Thrizzle ) Kupperman, Danny Hellman, Mack White, Lorna Miller, David Paleo, Christian Northeast, Karl Wills and Jay Pulga. Looking for laffs? A psychic jolt? A partner for your next trip? Look no further than'¦ Hotwire !.
Hotwire Comics