McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Dermatology a Pictorial Review 3/e
McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Dermatology a Pictorial Review 3/e
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Author(s): Ali, Asra
ISBN No.: 9780071793230
Pages: 752
Year: 201501
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 149.04
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

1. Hair Findings, Paradi Mirmirani 2. Eye Findings, Brenda Chrastil-LaTowsky and Syed Azhar 3. Nail Findings, Ravi Ubriani 4. Oral Pathology, Kamal Busaidy and Asra Ali 5. Genital Dermatology, Jennifer Krejci-Manwaring and Nishath Ali 6. Contact Dermatitis, Melissa A. Bogle and Giuseppe Militello 7.

Autoimmune Bullous Diseases, Whitney High and Asra Ali 8. Disorders of Cornification, Infiltration, and Inflammation, Katherine M. Cox, Rakhshandra Talpur, and Victoria G. Ortiz 9. Pigmentary Disorders, Jason H. Miller and Asra Ali 10. Disorders of Fat, Asra Alia and Jennifer Krejci-Manwaring 11. Cutaneous Tumors, Alexander J.

Lazar, John Cangelosi, and Doina Ivan 12. Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer, Sumaira Aasi and Katherine M. Cox 13. Vascular Tumors and Malformations, Denis W. Metry, John C. Browning, and Asra Ali 14. Genodermatosis, Adelaide A. Hebert, Joy H.

Kunishige, and Adrienne M. Feasel 15. Pediatric Dermatology, John C. Browning, Denise W. Metry, and Adrienne M. Feasel 16. Cutaneous Infestations, Dirk M. Elston, Asra Ali, and Melissa A.

Bogle 17. Viral Diseases, Stephen K. Tyring, Natalia Mendoza, Sara Goel, Brenda L. Bartlett, Aron J. Gewirtzman, and Anne Marie Tremaine 18. Bacterial Diseases, Steven Marcet and Asra Ali 19. Fungal Disease, Aly Raza, Melissa A. Bogle, and Mark LaRocco 20.

Nutrition-Related Diseases, Clare Pipkin and Asra Ali 21. Cutaneous Findings Related to Pregnancy, Ronald P. Rapini 22. Cutaneous Manifestations of Rheumatologic Diseases, Asra Alia and Carolyn Bangert 23. Cutaneous Manifestations of Metabolic Diseases, Jason H. Miller and Asra Ali 24. Dermatologic Medications, Angela A. Weatherall, Melissa A.

Bogle, and Stephen E. Wolverton 25. Surgery and Anatomy, T. Minsue Chin, Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, and Tri H. Nguyen 26. Cosmetic Dermatology, Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, T. Minsue Chen, and Asra Ali 27. Immunology Review, Kurt Q.

Lu and Genevieve Wallace 28. Basic Sciences, Kurt Q. Lu and Asra Ali 29. Biostatistics, Alice Chuang, Tahniat S. Syed, and Asra Ali 30. Histologic Stains and Special Studies, Hafeez Diwan and Victor G. Prieto 31. Dermoscopy, Robert H.

Johr 32. Radiologic Findings, T. Minsue Chen, Melissa A. Bogle, and Asra Ali 33. Electron Microscopy, T. Minsue Chen and Asra Ali 34. High-Yield Facts for the Dermatology Boards, Benjamin Solky, Bryan Selkin, Jennifer L. Jones, Clare Pipkin, and Samantha Carter.

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