Anytime you feel fear, frustration, misery, rage, anxiety these are wrapped in a spirit, attacking the blessing on your life. Will you continue to feed it, or get to the root? This book journeys through a personal process of releasing those negative holds, and embracing the blessing of God's promise through His sacrifice for our salvation. There are a growing number of people challenged in their faith and upbringing because of a personal offense they believe God could have stopped. I was included in that group for far too long. The questioning, fact-checking, disconnect, seeking answers everywhere but with God and being led astray. He made the ultimate sacrifice in giving the world His first fruit. Jesus lived through life and the challenges we face daily to set an example of not abandoning God because of offense. Every day is a challenge to be made new, but we must be willing and move in stride to release what is not like The One True God.
Back to Eden