Threatened Birds of Jammu and Kashmir brings you information about the globally threatened bird species that are presently reported from Jammu and Kashmir. The book depends heavily on Threatened Birds of India (TBI) published in 2012 by BNHS, particularly for historical information, but we have updated the contents by including new and unpublished data. The new information given in this book will help us to assess the present status and distribution of the threatened bird species found in Jammu and Kashmir, and the recommendations for each species will show the way ahead. Thus, this book is not a substitute for TBI or for the Threatened Birds of Asia (TBA) published by BirdLife International in 2001, or the information frequently uploaded by BirdLife International on its website. It is a supplement to TBI, and as it focuses on the threatened birds that are found in Jammu and Kashmir, it is a handy, concise, and updated book that will be of great use to interested readers, as well as decision makers, in serving the cause of conservation.
Threatened Birds of Jammu and Kashmir