Has life ever happened to you and left you second guessing who you are? Has life ever dealt you a bad hand and you thought it was over? Have you ever made a bad decision and you thought you'd be paying for it for the rest of your life? Have you ever lost a loved one and it wounded your spirit, leaving you in a disgruntled, uneasy place? Have you ever lost everything, and you questioned God? Wait!!! Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved, and it left you in a confused place? Have you ever loved someone with all of you and loved slapped you right in the face? If so, know that you are not alone. Know that there is hope and a future for even you. This book Look In The Mirror.You Are The Prize was written with you in mind. No matter what your situation is, no matter who you are this book will help you with, wisdom, strength, healing, and power allowing you to find your way back to the life that God intended for you to have. It's not over for you! You're starting over with experience this time! You are the prize! Lack is not your portion! I encourage you from experience and I know you will overcome every obstacle that you will ever face. Don't give up before you are able to get the blessing for what you suffered for.
Look in the Mirror... You Are the Prize!!!