Contents:Preface xxivPART I THE ONTOLOGY AND EPISTEMOLOGY OF BRAND CO-CREATION1 A conceptual analysis of labels referring to brand co-creation 2Jaana Tähtinen and Kati Suomi2 Establishing the boundaries of brand co-creation 32Catherine da Silveira and Cláudia Simões3 Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrativetheoretical framework of interactional creation 47Venkat Ramaswamy and Kerimcan Ozcan4 Reassessing brand co-creation: towards a critical performativity approach 65Andrea Lucarelli, Cecilia Cassinger and Jacob ÖstbergPART II CO-CREATION OF INTANGIBLE BRAND ASSETS5 Co-creation of intangible brand assets: an integrative S-D logic/organicview of brand-based conceptual framework 80Victor Saha, Venkatesh Mani, Praveen Goyal and Linda D. Hollebeek6 Co-creation or co-destruction? Value-based brand formation 90Andrea Hemetsberger, Maria Kreuzer and Hans Muhlbacher7 Dealing with discrepancies of a brand in change: recomposition ofvalue and meanings in the network 105Anu Norrgrann and Saila Saraniemi8 The role of brand-facing actors in shaping institutions through brandmeaning co-creation 122Kieran D. Tierney, Ingo O. Karpen and Kate Westberg9 Co-creation of multi-sensory brand experiences: a manufacturer perspective 138Clarinda Rodrigues, Andreas Aldogan Eklund, Adele Berndt andSusanne Sandberg10 B2B branding in global commodity networks: a cultural brandinganalysis of a Danish company going global 153Christian Dam and Dannie KjeldgaardPART III CO-CREATION OF BRAND OFFERINGS11 Freedom and control in brand co-creation communities 167Nicholas Ind and Oriol Iglesias12 Exploring the brand co-creation-brand performance linkage andthe roles of innovation and firm age: resource-based and dynamiccapabilities views 177Ahmed Rageh Ismail13 Toward a co-creation approach to nation branding: an integrative framework 198Mai T. Pham and Roderick J. Brodie14 The dark side of brand co-creation: a psychological ownership perspective 218Fabian Bartsch and Bart ClausPART IV ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF BRAND CO-CREATION15 The universal moral standards and the ethics of co-creation 241Sumire Stanislawski16 Co-creation of conscientious corporate brands - facilitating societalchange towards sustainability: a structured literature analysis 256Christine Vallaster and Philip Lechner17 Organizational citizenship behaviour principles: a guide for employeesand customers in the brand value co-creation journey 274Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic and Vesna Babic-Hodovic18 "We look within. So we can look up" - towards a nonviolent ethics ofhuman brand co-creation 291Monica Porzionato and Cecilia Cassinger19 The ethics of conspicuous virtue signaling: when brand co-creation onsocial media turns negative 303Ulf AagerupPART V CRITICAL REFLECTIONS ON THE FUTURE OF BRANDCO-CREATION20 Brand co-creation and degrowth: merging the odd couple 317Feyza Aglargöz21 Brand co-creation management in the light of the social-materiality approach 337Géraldine Michel and Valérie Zeitoun22 Violent brands: from neoliberal vessels to far-right fantasies 348Sofia UlverPART VI CASE STUDIES ON BRAND CO-CREATION23 Alternative methods to study affective information processing in brandco-creation 359Monika Koller and Peter Walla24 Prolonging the shared project value of surplus co-creation 367Yun Mi Antorini and Gry Høngsmark Knudsen25 The iconization of Greta Thunberg: the role of myths in co-creatinga person brand 374Teresa Brugger and Verena E. Wieser26 Finding new product ideas at Eisenbeiss: integrating non-frontlineemployees into co-creation processes 381Oliver Koll27 Turning lead into gold: from weighty consumer feedback to co-creation 387Peter EspersenClosing remarks 393Index 394.
Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation : Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications