The Brilliance of Bergamot Essential Oil "Ann, I am thinking about getting involved with Essential Oils to help improve my lifestyle. I have never tried alternative remedies before, which essential oil would you recommend getting started with?" This is a question that I get quite often from curious readers who may have heard about essential oils, but who have no idea where to begin the research. To be honest, there is no correct answer to this particular question; each of us have different reasons for integrating essential oils into our lives. That being said, Bergamot essential oil is one of those that I often recommend for new users. Bergamot has been historically used for digestive assistance, skin conditioning, stress relief, and perfume manufacturing. New users will be able to enjoy each of those possibilities with a small bottle of Bergamot essential oil. Readers will be learning the many uses of Bergamot, as well as discovering the properties it contains, in conjunction with the multitude of ways it can be applied. I think they will be just as excited about using the oil, and pleased with the results, as I am when I use them.
To your happiness and wellness, Ann Sullivan.