Part 1: Basic Statistical Ideas 1.Basic concepts of quantification and number 2. Designing research projects which count things Part 2: Asking and Answering Quantitative Questions 3. Survey of the sexiness of Klingon 4. Who speaks Low German with their children? 5. Frequency of use of the present perfect tense in two newspapers Comparison of two groups where the data is not normally distributed - Mann Whitney U test 6. Is there a difference in the way 'ing' is pronounced by people from Birmingham and the Black Country? Testing for difference using Chi square 7. Do letter writers tend to use nouns and verbs together? Scatterplots and correlation of linear data 8.
Does the use of pronouns differ between two academic disciplines? Using T-test to compare between two groups 9. Does the use of pronouns differ between three academic disciplines? Comparison between three or more groups: One-Way Anova 10. Asking and answering quantitative questions - conclusions Glossary Index he use of pronouns differ between two academic disciplines? Using T-test to compare between two groups 9. Does the use of pronouns differ between three academic disciplines? Comparison between three or more groups: One-Way Anova 10. Asking and answering quantitative questions - conclusions Glossary Index.