Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText This access code card provides access to the new Enhanced Pearson eText, a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features: Embedded videos in each chapter illustrate key concepts and strategies. (See pages 3, 163, and 292 for examples.) Check Your Understanding of chapter content. Quizzes at the end of each chapter provide multiple-choice questions for self assessment that align with the chapter-opening learning outcomes. (See pages 23, 183, and 317 for examples.) Apply Your Knowledge features now include interactive hyperlinks in the text to give students opportunities to check their understanding and apply concepts while reading the chapters. (See pages 21, 163, and 300 for examples.) Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText for 40% to 65% less than a print bound book! Students, register for or purchase your eText at pearsonhighered.
com/etextbooks/ted. Instructors, visit to register for your digital examination copy. Additional text features include: Numerous opportunities to learn new material and reinforce what's been learned are included in every chapter: Learner Objectives and Summaries for each chapter help structure and clarify the key points of the chapters. Real-world based case studies at the beginning of each chapter focus readers' attention on the specific knowledge and skills addressed in the chapter. NEW! Back to the Case features complete the circle of understanding by applying the opening case study topics addressed within the chapter. Putting Ideas into Practice features extend key concepts with additional information, lists of resources, and examples of how to use the information being presented in the text. A Basis in Research features ensure that readers learn about the most current research on collaborative practices in schools.
E-Partnerships features allow readers to focus on electronic collaboration, the future of collaboration in schools. Connections sections at the beginning of each chapter explain how the material connects to other chapters. A special icon shows readers the aspect of collaboration addressed in the chapter. Collaborative Activities at the ends of chapters include activities designed primarily as in-class exercises, giving instructors a range of ways to help readers apply and make the chapter's content their own. Included are role-play activities, resources to look for, complex questions that require analysis and synthesis, and more. The most up-to-date research and writing looks at business, counseling, the communication sciences, and other disciplines for its bases to provide the most comprehensive knowledge base available. (Good examples are found in Chapters 1 to 5, 6, 8, and 9.).