THE NEWEST TESTAMENT JESUS LIVES!!! is an autobiography of my life (King) David Coates That was inspired to be written by a prophetess in Atlanta Ga. I attended a church service, and at the end of of the prophetess's church service she prayed over me, and she advised me, that the Holy Spirit advised her to inform me to write this book. The prophetess also informed me, that I am a miracle walking that this book must be written, to share with people the miraculous life in which I lived, and also how Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ delivered me through all adversities. This book consists of the truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God. This is a non-fiction novel, and It was written to prove to people that Jesus is alive. Also to prove that Jesus is a deliverer, and to show that I am living proof. This book consists of only facts, these true facts are describing how Jesus delivered me from Asthma, Diabetes, Pneumonia, Alcoholism, Drug addiction, Cigarettes, Getting shot at with guns on numerous occasions, getting shot in my face, and my left shoulder from behind, also being shot with guns on several occasions, how Jesus delivered me out of the hands of the judicial system on numerous occasions without acquiring any felony convictions, and how Jesus delivered me out of the hands of people who wanted me killed. This autobiography may not be in perfect chronological order, but it's contents are 100 percent true.
This book was not wrote for any self promotion. This book was only written to show that Jesus lives, also to educate everyone on how praising God does in fact work. You will observe the fact that Jesus is alive, and still performing miracles in our every day lives through my testimony. The prophetess acknowledged to me, that the Holy Spirit desired it done, and for me to put the book in scripture, this is the only reason in which I wrote this book. She also aforementioned " That God has given me a testimony and he wants everyone to hear it." So by the pow.